50 Possible/Likely 2017 JAMB Biology Questions - Entertainment is Life

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50 Possible/Likely 2017 JAMB Biology Questions

50 Possible/Likely 2017 JAMB Biology Questions 

1. The habitat of the cysticercus of Taenia solium is
A. alimentary canal of cattle
B. muscles of pig
C. alimentary canal of pig D. muscles of cattle

2. The organism that has a hydrostatic skeleton is
A. Tilapia
B. Hydra
C. Mosquito larva
D. Earthworm

3. These possession of scales, laying of eggs with shells
and bony structure of the head are characteristics s
hared by
A. birds and reptiles
B. fishes and birds
C. reptiles and fishes
D. birds and molluscs

4. The group of Arthropods that has no antennae is the
A. crustacca
B. chilopoda
C. arachnida
D. diplopoda

5. The structure that is most commonly identified in all
living cells under the light microscope is the
A. mitochondrion
B. chloroplast
C. nucleus
D. ribosome

6. Which of the following is an organ?
A. guard cell
B. liver
C. xylem bundle
D. blood

Use the diagram below to answer questions 7 and 8

7. The structure labelled II is used for
A. tasting
B. feeling
C. biting
D. sucking

8. The structure labelled III represents the
A. mandible
B. palp
C. proboscis
D. labium

9. The division of a body into two equal halves along a longitudinal plane is called
A. bilateral symmetry
B. transverse section
C. radial symmetry
D. longitudinal section

10. In which of the following organisms does each cell
combine the function of nutrition,reproduction and growth?
A. Rhizopus
B. Dryopteris
C. Brachymenium
D. Spirogyra

11. The key event in the transition of the amphibiansfrom
water to land is the
A. replacement of the gills with lungs
B. possession of webbed limbs
C. development of long hind
C. limbs.
D. possession of tympanic membrane

12. In plant cells, the chloroplasts are located
A. inside the cell wall
B. outside the protoplasm
C. within the vacuole
D. within the cytoplasm

13. In woody stems, gaseous exchange take place through the
A. micropyles
B. stomata
C. lenticels
D. vessels

14. Substances manufactured by the leaves are transported
to other parts of the plant through the
A. xylem
B. companion cells
C. sieve tubes
D. cambium

15. After a meal of yam has been digested the highest
concentration of glucose is to be found in the
A. hepatic artery
B. pulmonary vein
C. hepatic portal vein
D. posterior vena cava

16. The dark reaction of photosynthesis involves
A. fixation of carbon (IV)oxide to give asix-carbon sugar
B. fixation of carbon (IV) oxide with the help of oxygen
C . use of carbon (IV) oxide toproduce glucose using ATP
D. uhfixationofcarbon(IV)oxideonchlorophyllusinghydrogen

17. Mammals acclimatize to reduced oxygen content at
high altitudes by
A. the stimulation of marrow to reduce the amount of
erythrocytes produced
B. increasing the rate at
which erythrocytes are destroyed
C. the stimulation of marrow to produce more
D. increasing the breakdown of the
protein portion of the erythrocytes

18. The modes of nutrition in Nitrobacteri Ascaris and
Homo sapiens respectively are
A. photosynthetic
B. chemosynthetic, parasitic and
C. photosynthetic, parasitic and
D. chemosynthetic, holophytic
and holozoic

19. The richest sources of vitamin A are
A. palm oil and groundnut oil
B. palm oil and carrots
C. rice and groundnut oil
D. oranges and carrots

20. The force that holds water together in the form of a
stream within the xylem tube isthe
A. cohesion of water molecules to one another by
hydrogen bonds
B. force of gravity attracting
the water molecules through the hydrogen bonds
C. attractionbetween thewater andxylembyosmoticforce
D. normal flowof water from the ground with the help
of gravitational force.

21. Yellowing of leaves is a symptom associated with
deficiency of
A. iron, calcium and magnesium
B. nitrogen,sulphur
and potassium
C. sulphur, phosphorus and iron
D. magnesium, nitrogen and iron

22. The lymphatic system of mammalsrejoins the blood
circulatory system at the
A. hepatic vein
B. subclavian vein
C. renal vein
D. common iliac vein

23. In dissection, the rib cage of a mammal hasto be opened
in order to expose the
A. diaphragm
B. liver
C. heated
D. sternum

24. Fertilization in humans usually takes place in the
A. lower part of the uterus
B. upper part of the uterus
C. lower part of the oviduct
D. upper part of the oviduct

25. Insects visit flowers in order to
A. feed on the nectar
B. deposit pollen on the stigma
C. pollinate the flowers
D. transfer pollen from anthers

26. In epigeal germination, the cotyledons are
A. carried above the ground by the elongating hypocotyls
B. pulled underground by the elongating hypocotyls
C. pulled underground by the elongating epicotyl
D. carried above the ground by the elongating epicotyl

27. Bacteria multiply rapidly by means of
A. budding
B. fragmentation
C. binary fission
D. spore formation

28. The correct sequence for the operation of smelling mammalsis
A. chemicals àolfactorynerve endingsàbrain
B. dissolved chemicals à nasalsensorycell àbrain
C. chemicals àmucusmembrane àsensorycells àbrain
D. dissolved chemicals à sensorycells àolfactorynerveà brain

Use the diagram below to answer questions 29 and 30

29. The part labelled III is for
A. protection
B. insulation
C. lubrication
D. growth

30. The structure labelled II is known as
A. sweat gland
B. lymph vessel
C. blood vessel
D. nerve ending

31. In mammals, the organ which performs digestive and
endocrine functions is the
A. liver
B. pancreas
C. gastric gland
D. salivary gland

32. The chitin in the exoskeleton of many arthropod is
strengthened by
A. calcium compounds
B. organic salts
C. lipids
D. proteins

Use the diagram below to answer questions 33 and 34

33. The structure labelled II articulates with III to form a
A. sliding joint
B. hinge joint
C. pivot joint
D. ball-and-socket joint

34. Which of the bones is the radius?
A. I

35. The construction of dams may lead to an increase in
the prevalence of
A. typhoid fever, measles and yellow fever
B. tuberculosis, leprosy and typanosomiasis
C. guinea worm, malaria and tuberculosis
D. malaria, bilharziasis and onchocerciasis

36. Floating microscopic heterotrophs are mostlygrouped as
A. phytoplankton
B. zooplankton
C. microbes
D. nekton

37. Vaccination is carried out in order to
A. check the production of poison
B. increase the activity of white blood cells
C. increase the number of red blood cell
D. stimulate the production of antibodies

38. Asoil consistingofalumina and iron (II)oxideis known as
A. loamy soil
B. clayey soil
C. laterite
D. podzol.

39. The sign + is used to indicate an association where an
organism gains, while 0 is used where an organism is
unaffected. An association indicated as + 0 is known as
A. predation
B. commensalism
C. parasitism
D. competition

Use the diagram below to answer questions 40 and 41

40. Primary consumers are found in
A. 1,2,and 3
B. 1,3 and 7
C. 2,3 and 7
D. 2,4 and 5

41. The biomass is likely to increase in the sequence
A. 1 à2à4à5
B. 1à3à4à5
C. 3à5à6à7
D. 5à4à3à1

42. Which of the following characterized the white
A. prop roots
B. buttress roots
C. breathing roots
D. stilt roots

43. If the offspring of a cross between brown mouse (bb)
and a black mouse (BB) are allowed to interbreed, how
many different genotypes would result?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

44. The biological factor that is unique to each individual
is the
B. eye colour
C. blood group

45. From an evolutionary standpoint, the older a fossil￾bearing rock is the more likely it isto contain
A. aves as opposed to amphibians
B. invertebrates as opposed vertebrates
C. angiosperms as opposed to algae
D. vertebrates as opposed to invertebrates.

46. The very bright colours in some types of mushroom
A. are a warning that they may be poisonous
B. indicate that they are very tasty
C. attract potential transporters of their spores
D. perform the same function as bright colours in flowers

47. The least adaptive feature for arboreal life is that
A. possession of four limbs B. possession of claws
C. development of a long tail
D. counter shading of
coat colour

48. Which of the following is one of Lamarck’s theories?
A. some variations are more favorable to existence in a
given environment than others
B. all living organisms are constantly involved in a struggle
for existence
C.the size of a given population remains
fairly constant
D. new species originate through the inheritance of acquired

49. The loud cry made by a brooding hen when a predator
is around is meant to
A. alert the poultry attendants
B. attract cocks to come and fight the predator
C. advertise the boundaries of its territory to intruders
D. warn its chicks and other chickens of impending danger

50. The most important environmental factor which
epiphytes in the rain forest compete for is
A. water
B. nutrient
C. light
D. space

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